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We are now CLOSED FOR THE SEASON and will reopen September 2nd! Thank you for your business and have a GREAT summer!!!

Reservations Required

Welcome, Hunters–

Steve’s Meat Market

Find us in Olde Town Arvada at 5751 Olde Wadsworth Blvd, where we custom process your wild game on site. Choose from over 30 different custom products including sausage and jerky! All of the recipes (gluten and MSG free) are custom created by Steve himself and your tastebuds will appreciate his efforts!

steves meat arvada
stevesmeatmarket front

Reservations Required

For all Drop-Offs

We accept reservations up to 2 days in advance. Due to the large volume of business during the peak season, there are limitations on what we accept for processing. (See Below)

Since 1976

On-Site Wild Game Processing

We process all wild game including deer, elk, moose, antelope, bear, buffalo, mountain lion, big horn sheep, mountain goat, and wild boar. All animals must have a carcass tag attached (refer to state requirements) or receipt from private ranch, no exceptions.

Cuts & Yield

All steak cuts are boneless and include whole tenderloins, loins (a.k.a. backstraps, butterflied), sirloins, and rounds. We recommend a thickness of 3/4 inch and we package for a family of three: approximately 1-1/2 lb packs. Roasts come from the shoulders, are approximately 2-3 lb each, and are netted for easier cooking. Shank and neck meat are ground for burger, sausage, and/or jerky. An average whole animal will yield about 55% of the hanging weight based on care taken in the field.

Packaging, Labeling & Freezing

All steaks and roasts are vacuum packed – not freezer wrapped – to ensure freshness & longevity. All packs are professionally labeled with the animal type and specific cut. All meat is packaged and frozen immediately. Burger is packaged in a 1 lb poly-chub. Sausage and Stix are vacuum packaged in 1 lb packs, Jerky is packaged in a 1 lb. resealable pack. Burger is double ground and we recommend adding 10% beef or pork suet for flavor and consistency.

Peak Season Limitations

Due to the large volume of business during the peak season (November 1 – November 30), there are limitations on what is accepted for processing.

During the month of November – we cannot accept:

  • Frozen carcass (if we cannot cut it — we cannot take it!)
  • Deboned carcass or previously processed meat
  • Bear for custom (custom available only in Sep; basic processing only Oct-Jan)
  • Animals with the hide still on

**Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in several states in elk and deer. Steve’s Meat Market, Inc. will not knowingly accept any animal showing signs or symptoms of CWD. We will report any suspicious animal to Colorado Parks & Wildlife. We can in no way guarantee your animal does or does not have CWD and we do not assume responsibility for testing or failure to test for CWD. For further information on CWD and testing, call Colorado Parks & Wildlife at (303)297-1192 or visit their web site at


Includes: Boneless steaks, roasts & grind. Vacuum packaged & frozen.

All Big Game
$70 min
Whole -or- Quartered Carcass
$1.60 per lb x hanging wt.
Quarters With Loins/Tenders/Trim
$1.85 per lb x hanging wt.
Frozen Carcass (n/a Nov)
+30¢ per lb
Deboned Meat (n/a Nov)
$2.50 per lb
burger only – NO primal cuts
Cleaning Fee (if needed)
+15¢ per lb (min. $15)
Rush Fee
20% upcharge (min $60)

Skinning Charge

We do not cape. No skinning available from Oct 28th through Dec 15th (refer to reservation site).

$60 if available
$85 if available
$110 if available

Drop Off Hours

Appointments required for all drop-offs.

Off Season: February 1–August 31
Early Season: September 1–October 12
Monday-Sunday: BY APPT only
Wednesday: CLOSED
Peak Season: October 13–November 30
Monday-Sunday: BY APPT only
Late Season: December 1–January 31
Su/mo/th/fr: BY APPT only
tu/we/Sa: CLOSED

Pickup Hours For Completed Orders

Please refer to your claim ticket for your pickup date and hours.

Feb 1 (Sat): 8-1 PM
Feb 8 (Sat): 9-11 AM
(unclaimed available)

All orders must be picked up on your assigned pickup date and hours to avoid storage fees. Please be considerate of our storage policy that will be enforced due to space and cost! If you do not pick up on your designated date and time, please call the pickup department for updated hours (if not above) as these change weekly based on the volume.

Freezer Storage Fee

When we opened our business at this location in 1990, our production of game was at an easily manageable number. We were able to negotiate a pickup date with our customers with some flexibility. Within five years, our game processing business had grown by 200%. It was at this time we had to develop a “storage fee” policy to ensure that we were able to take the maximum number of carcasses daily, trusting that the orders would be picked up in a timely manner. Even though our freezer is 75 ft x 12 ft, we are at capacity during the hunting season at any given time. This is the nature of a seasonal business, as some of you may know.

The “storage fee” that we charge to store your animal and keep it frozen is minimal compared to the inconvenience that it creates when we have to minimize the number of carcasses coming in, ultimately effecting other hunters who also want to drop off a carcass.

Our typical turn-around time for processing during the peak season is approximately 1 week. At the time the animal is dropped off, you are given a specific pick-up date and pick-up hours for the specific pick-up date. Our “storage fees” are explained and this information will also be printed on your copy of the work order, which is signed by the person that you entrusted to drop off your meat. If the meat is dropped off by someone other than the hunter, it will be the hunter’s responsibility to get a copy of the claim ticket and understand the pick-up procedure so that we can try to accommodate as many hunters as possible. We understand that things come up and you can’t get to the shop…it happens to all of us, but please comply with the policy and pay the fee so that you can get home and enjoy the meat, and we can get another animal into the freezer! We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding of this policy!

Our Order Process – NO ORDER CHANGES

Your carcass/meat will be assigned a tracking number at the time of drop off. You will be given a copy of your work order (also referred to as your claim ticket) when the meat is dropped off and this must be presented when the meat is picked up. This copy proves ownership of the meat. The original work order will be secured to the carcass/meat once it has been cleaned and it goes into the cooler. As the meat is deboned and cleaned, the work order will travel with the primals and/or trim throughout the process. While not impossible, it is extremely time consuming to try and locate a particular order when it is in the processing stage since the work order is secured to the meat in a cooler, amongst all other animals that are currently in process. Changing an order would decrease/increase product amounts, and several things are dependent on the original order (staffing, pick-up date, oven capacity, etc.) We understand that you may have forgotten to order something, the person who you sent in to drop off gave an incorrect order, or you may have changed your mind after discussing with others. However, by explaining our processing system to you we hope you can better understand our reasoning and why it is not feasible for us to do an order change.

Keep in mind that if you need to add custom products, you can always bring back any frozen burger/steaks/roasts during regular receiving hours (Sep/Oct/Dec/Jan) and have additional products made. Thank you for your cooperation with this.